Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Virtual integrity by Daniel Lohrmann

I started read this book this week. I'm planning write some interesting point in this blog for two reasons. The first is just to improve my writing. I'm really wanna start work this in my life - I need!! (I you want help me with some comments, thanks!) The other reason is because one day I wanna share this ideas with somebody. Lets do it!!

Part 1:
This book discuss how the integrity could be violated through the Internet use. The author says that exist a complete scenario behind the Internet that try get our information and work in a way to capture our attention. Why sometimes we are attracted to certain picture to see websites that we never intent to visit five minutes earlier? Mrs Lohrmann says the there are no accident in our online experience. There are a bunch of professionals working just to manipulate our behavior in the internet.

I don't know if you thought what's integrity theft. I never had thought. The book give the following definition in the book: "Integrity theft in the repeated attraction of other to do wrong. Usually caused by deliberate action, integrity theft harms other by tempting, luring, persuading, encouraging or provoking the 'target' to act in a manner that violates his or her true values, ethics, beliefs, or commitments." It's an interesting definition. I thinking that I can create personal definition until the end of this book. I hope that I would improve my writing too. :-)
See you soon.

I hope that I keep post


Mauricio Vieira said...

Hey! I liked to read you. Those are interesting thoughts about integrity, I never thought in that way too. Please keep on writting ;-)

Lucas Oliveira said...

Hey Maurix! I'm the worst writer in the world. :-). I stop to read that book. But I need restarted man, this is a topic that I'm interesting.

Lucas Oliveira said...

Hey Maurix! I'm the worst writer in the world. :-). I stop to read that book. But I need restarted man, this is a topic that I want to learn more.